Happy Birthday…To Us!


AUGUST 1, 2017

On August 1, 2015, we opened up this little popsicle stand of opinion on the interwebs, expecting it to be glanced at now and then by friends and family and ready to hear from them a refrain of “That’s nice, dear, but when are you going to get a real job?”

Two years (and more than 400 columns) later, the readership of Exact Change Today has grown to hundreds of loyal readers every day, and I would like to thank each and every one of you for a) finding us and b) coming back again and again.  Over the past two years, we’ve ridden the wave of those crazy primary seasons and that cuckoo and scary election.  I’ve not always have gotten it right — I remember one column where I laid out this elaborate prediction as to what Donald Trump would do after he lost the election.  Shows you what I know.

Still, my favorite part of Exact Change Today is the opportunity to interact with all of you on Facebook.  I particularly enjoy when readers disagree with me or offer a different take on a column, offering a point of view that I had never even considered before.  I am blessed with a very smart readership, and I never stop learning from you.

While I particularly appreciate the readers who read every column, I know from talking with many of you that there are some readers who only read the political columns and others who only come back for the movie reviews.  And that’s OK — one of the column’s main goals is offering something for everybody, whether it’s “LGBT Stuff,” “The Media,” “Theater” or the various media awards races, which ECT also tackles.

So please hang in there for the next 400 columns — we’ve got an careening Presidency on the brink as well as an especially promising fall movie season ahead.  Lots of drama and, hopefully, lots of fun.  From your feedback, you guys expect a very high standard, and I will do my best to live up to it.  Thank you all again for your readership.