Lindsey Graham Makes It Official

JUNE 1, 2015


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced his candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination today in his home town of Central, SC.  To the surprise of long-time Graham-watchers, the Senator emphasized his hardscrabble childhood and personal story rather than the hawkish persona he uses in his numerous Sunday morning talk show appearances.

Will this new tack work?  It just may, given the fact that it’s an angle he’s never leaned on in his 20-plus years in Congress, and it may help the veteran politico seem like a fresh face for now.  But what of the right-wing Republican primary voters that he’s trying to woo with his bellicose macho posturing on war?  If Graham gets any traction, you can count on stories about this “confirmed bachelor” being floated almost immediately.  This campaign could get very ugly very quickly.