Late to the Party But I’m Glad I Came — Bette Midler in “Hello, Dolly!”
OCTOBER 16, 2017 Photo: The New York Times Among my New York friends, the big question this spring was “Have you seen Bette?” Understandable given the frenzy that accompanied…
OCTOBER 16, 2017 Photo: The New York Times Among my New York friends, the big question this spring was “Have you seen Bette?” Understandable given the frenzy that accompanied…
OCTOBER 4, 2017 Usually it’s the Best Actor category that has been the most contested at the Oscars. But this year, as has been the case over the past…
OCTOBER 3, 2017 “Victoria & Abdul” would seem to have everything going for it. It’s very “Masterpiece Theatre” -like with an extra dollop of humor thrown in, and we…
OCTOBER 2, 2017 Unless you are a TV viewer who has for some reason been living under a rock the last month, you are likely to be aware that…
SEPTEMBER 28, 2017 It all seems so quaint now, but in 1973, it was a circus. If you were there at the time, you’ll never forget the spectacle in…
SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 Photo: Getty In an administration filled with low points, Donald Trump’s behavior this weekend with particularly disgraceful. Let’s go back a week, when Hurricane Maria smashed…
SEPTEMBER 19, 2017 I’ve been trying to think of comfortable euphemisms, but “bonkers” seems to be the appropriate word in describing the effect of watching Darren Aronofsky’s newest film,…
SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 Photo: Getty As much as I like to bitch about the Emmy Awards (as an Emmy voter myself, I can dish my own kind), Sunday night’s…
SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 Welcome to the 3rd Annual “Movies to Put on Your Oscar Radar” column. Now that many of the big film festivals (Sundance, Cannes, Telluride and Venice)…
SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 “It” is a phenomenon, at least at the box office. The horror film, based on the first half of Stephen King’s novel, smashed all box-office records…