Like Tom Cruise Or Not, “Mission: Impossible — Fallout” Is the Best Action Film In Years
AUGUST 7, 2018 I have friends whose opinions that I trust say that they never want to see another Tom Cruise movie again and insist that they won’t go…
AUGUST 7, 2018 I have friends whose opinions that I trust say that they never want to see another Tom Cruise movie again and insist that they won’t go…
AUGUST 6, 2018 A number of critics of critics have compared Boots Riley’s “Sorry to Bother You” to Jordan Peele’s Oscar-winning “Get Out,” a comparison that is not fair…
AUGUST 1, 2018 On August 1, 2015, we opened up this little popsicle stand of opinion on the interwebs, expecting it to be glanced at now and then by…
JULY 31, 2018 One of the most welcome surprises of the summer box-office season has been the unexpected resurgence of feature documentaries. Two upbeat celebrity profiles — “RBG,” a…
JULY 26, 2018 “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” is magnificently ridiculous or ridiculously magnificent. I’m not quite sure which. When I first saw the trailer for the sequel…
JULY 12, 2018 After airing no episodes in 2017, HBO’s “Game of Thrones” came roaring back to life on Thursday morning when nominations for the 2018 Emmy Awards were…
JULY 11, 2018 “Hearts Beat Loud” is an absolute charmer of a movie. By that, I don’t mean to minimize the film’s achievement. It sets out to charm (not…
JULY 9, 2018 I never really knew a whole lot about Fred Rogers. Of course, I had heard of him and saw most of the parodies (particularly Eddie Murphy’s…
JULY 2, 2018 If you’re a fan of the films of the 1970s and 1980s, you’ll know the name Paul Schrader. He wrote the landmark script for the Martin…
JUNE 21, 2018 “Hereditary” is not only scary, but it’s really scary, though not in the way that you may think. This is not a film that is full…